Tree Captains

A people-led canopy project. 

Tree Captains are local volunteer leaders working to enhance the health of Treasure Valley neighborhoods through tree planting, advocacy, and stewardship.

Outside of Boise? Treasure Valley Tree Captains will launch Fall 2024!

What does a Tree Captain do?

  • Support your community’s tree planting efforts: City of Boise’s Elaine Clegg City of Trees Challenge and TVCN’s Treasure Valley Tree Equity Project

  • Talk to people within your community to identify planting sites.

  • Utilize your training to help participants with tree selection. 

  • Educate tree recipients about young tree care.

  • Help out with spring & fall planting events to make sure all trees are delivered and planted.

  • Serve as a valuable resource to your friends and neighbors in planting and caring for new trees.

  • Join TVCN at public outreach events to help educate the public.

  • Have fun!